Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Erika and J.P.

I had the pleasure of photographing Erika and J.P.'s wedding in December. They are an amazing couple with great personalities. There were surprises and entertainment throughout the event. Thank you for including me during your special day!

I had help from an amazing photographer, Nicole Wickens. It was great to have two perspectives.

Here's mine.
And, Nicole's. What a great shot.

This was quite an entertaining crowd.

We were all surprised with a performance during the ceremony.

The father-daughter dance, turned into a family dance. It was very special.

Thanks Erika, J.P. and your families for having such a spectacular event and including me for the festivities.

Also, thanks to Nicole, of Green Door Photography, for sharing your awesome talent.

1 comment:

nicole wickens-smith said...

These look great Logan! What a FUN wedding, and what fun to get to shoot together! Thanks for having me tag along :)